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Community Groups

Despite all of the ways we can connect in a digital age, people are more isolated than ever before. We were designed to live in community - yet our communities are fractured in various ways.


Our Community Groups are designed to bring us into just that: genuine community, where we can live out what it means to be a people who aren't just like family, they are family.


We are passionate about helping people understand the Scriptures. However, our aim is not merely to fill us up with more and more knowledge. As we learn more about God and His Word, two things should naturally happen:


1.) we grow in our love for God and one another.

2.) we learn how to practically apply what we learn.

Wheat Field


In Scripture, the church is called "The Body" of Christ. Like our own body, if we are missing any one part of it - the whole body feels its absence.


In the same way, we were given unique talents and gifts by God to serve one another and our broader community. What that means is that together, we are all vitally important to the health of the body and His grand story of redemption.

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