We serve a God who has freely given us all things in Christ and it is in light of this that we are to be a generous people. As He has freed us from our debt of sin and judgment, we aim to be a people who reflect His model of grace and kindness. We reflect, in other words, the Spirit of God when we give with cheerful, and grace-filled hearts.
Thus, we give and serve, not out of compulsion or a sense of reciprosity, but in reflection to the measure that God has blessed us. Our goal is simple: we wish to bless others as richly as God has blessed us, and see many come to faith in our Triune God, all that He might recieve the glory and praise that He is due.
What to Expect
We are a family of people from all walks of life - we want you to come "as you are." Dress in whatever makes you comfortable.
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:45 AM, and involves singing, prayer, and expositional preaching.
How to Help
In Scripture, the church is called "The Body" of Christ. Like our own body, if we are missing any one part of it, the whole body feels its absence. Find out how you can help us in our mission and participate in God's grand story of redemption.
About Us
Discover our history, current leadership, and why we are passionate about the glory of God in the Westosha community.

Your support not only helps us "keep the lights on," it enables us to do the work of ministry to bring life to our community.
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